Once you have finished adding items to your shopping Basket and are ready to complete your transaction, move your cursor to the top-right corner of the screen and click on the “Proceed to Checkout” button.
Follow the steps by entering the requested details for your delivery and the payment until you will receive the order confirmation and the e-mail summary of your order.
Once your order is confirmed and you have received the order confirmation, you can change this order by logging to your account. Please reach our customer service on +971 4 887 9823 or email us at store@mrspackaging.com
We'll be happy to serve you.
Once you receive your order confirmation, it means your order is confirmed.
Log to your account>> order History, if you are unable to locate it ,Please contact us on + +971 4 887 9823 or email us at store@mrspackaging.com as soon as possible. We'll be happy to serve you.
If you are able to place an order, that means your area is covered.
Order above AED 200/- will be Free delivered all over the UAE.
Order below AED 200/- will be AED 25/- for the delivery.
Anyone available at the given delivery address.
If for some reasons you are not satisfied and you wish to return your purchase, you’ll need to reach our customer service on +971 4 887 9823 or email us at store@mrspackaging.com